Wear It Purple Day
Last Thursday, August 25th, the David Scott School marked Wear It Purple Day with a whole-school assembly which was followed by the raising of the pride flag on our brand-new flagpole. The atmosphere of the school all day was that of a happy, together community, and it was amazing to see students from different year levels and peer groups all so positively engaged with each other and the day. Wear it Purple Day looks to foster supportive, safe, empowering, and inclusive environments for rainbow young people. The David Scott School celebrates Wear It Purple as it strives for equality and inclusivity for not just our school community, but society as a whole.
For the first time since the Covid pandemic, staff, students and guests gathered in the Nave for a whole-school assembly. Brotherhood of Saint Laurence CEO Travers Mcleod was on hand to deliver a sterling recognition of country, which was a welcome beginning to the occasion.
Updates were given on some of the exciting activities happening within the school this term, with senior teacher Robyn presenting the news from the seniors’ classroom. At the same time, Maddy Bergen was fantastic with her recap of the events from her class this term. Well done Maddy!
Pride club founder Chloe Sergi, along with Bitsy Dell’Oro, confidently presented an insightful speech on the effects of misgendering and provided us all with some useful tips on how to be more inclusive to all people in our society. Chloe and Bitsy both spoke outstandingly well and along with Toby Keogh are to be commended for writing and broadcasting the speech themselves.
The main event occurred at the beginning of lunchtime, as for the first time the Pride Flag was raised alongside the Australian, Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander flags on the school site. Despite a particular staff member’s inability to navigate a flagpole (Tom), dozens stayed to witness the historic moment, with the flag hoisted up to the tune of David Bowie’s ‘Heroes’, and the sun coming out on queue as our new flag sailed atop the pole.
We would like to say a big thank you to all that were involved in the planning and execution of the day. We look forward to future events where we can spread a message of positivity and inclusivity.