Opening of 22 High Street
On Thursday 20th May, the school community and our wonderful supporters came together to celebrate the opening of the school’s newest acquisition at 22 High Street. Having purchased the land formerly occupied by St. Paul’s parish manse in October 2020, we have watched eagerly the progress next door from demolition of the old buildings to the construction and fit out of the new.
This project was partially funded by the Australian Government under the Capital Grants program and has allowed the school to spread beyond the existing site. Our three new Intermediate (Year 11) classrooms, a Literacy Intervention room and an expanse of green recreational space means that students have even greater opportunity for educational success. The front grass is now a hive of activity on break time.
The school shared this milestone with a host of supporters including the Federal Member for Dunkley – Ms Peta Murphy MP, the Frankston Mayor Cr. Kris Bolam, members of St. Paul’s parish, BSL Chair Mr Stephen Newton, members of the local Proactive Policing unit and school community friends, families and neighbours.
Our ceremony started with a beautiful rendition of the national anthem sung by Year 12 student Bridie, an acknowledgement of country that was heartfelt and delivered eloquently by Year 12 student Sapphire, and concluded with the unveiling of the official dedication plaque and a blessing conducted by BSL Chaplain Debra Saffrey Collins.
Thanks to all involved and especially to our team member Aaron Quarrell, who makes the magic happen with quiet determination and professionalism in all he does.
The vision of the David Scott School as a provider of high quality education that inspires our students to reach their full potential, took another giant step forward with the opening of Number 22.