Celebration Evening 2019

Congratulations Class of 2019!

On December 4th 2019 the David Scott School welcomed the families of 42 award recipients, Council members, distinguished guests and of course students to our annual celebration evening. The event recognised the hard work and dedication of all year level graduates, award recipients and those completing their schooling journey.

As the name would suggest, the evening for was a celebration, celebration of achievement, of success and most importantly of learning. The David Scott School also celebrated the privileged position of working side by side with young people who have chosen not to take the easy path.

leaving school is easy, following the crowd who choose to sleep in or to skip school, not to persevere is easy. Staying at school or for many students returning to school is not easy and in fact, can be hard. Hard for young people who have been faced with challenges – of physical and emotional health, of negative experiences of school, bullying, exclusion, lack of success, financial or family difficulties. What it takes is to overcome such challenges is to be brave, and this event allows us to honour a group of brave young people.

Thank you to family and friends, to supporters of our students and therefore our school and for the amazing efforts of our staff who have worked tirelessly to guide, mentor, push and pull these young people this year.

To our successful students, and especially our graduating class – we are sad to see you go, but, we know you are brave, we know you have not shied away from the difficult path and that you fought hard to achieve success. If you know that too, then our job; our challenging, hard, frustrating but amazing, rewarding, wouldn’t do anything else jobs have been done.


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