Our Purpose

The David Scott School has been established to deliver an individualised high-quality specialist senior secondary (VCAL) education that focuses on the domains of best practice teaching and learning, wellbeing, pathways and career transition support, for young people marginalised from mainstream educational settings as a consequence of complex personal circumstances.
Our Vision & Mission:

Our VISION is that the students we work with receive a high-quality personalised education that inspires them to reach their potential and prepare them to live constructive, socially connected, and personally satisfying lives. Our student-centred approach empowers young people to be change ready, learning ready and future ready.

The school’s MISSION is to produce confident and competent 21st century learners, taught by innovative and inspiring school staff who collaborate and contribute to learning communities through evidence informed practice. This work empowers our communities of practice to harness their resources to support the goals of young people and to use the collective efforts to influence broader educational policy leading to systemic change.

Our Values are:

INDIVIDUALITY – Working in harmony with others and appreciating diversity

EQUALITY – Speaking and acting with fairness, free from bias and giving opportunity to all

KNOWLEDGE SEEKING – Maintaining an openness to gaining the knowledge and skills to be a lifelong learner and a productive global citizen.

ACCOUNTABILITY – Being someone who gives their personal best and is willing to accept responsibility for what they do


Enactment of school philosophy:

In all teaching and learning, wellbeing and pathways programs, in all documents, in all practice by staff with and for students, in work with the School Council and the community, in all school initiatives, in all internal and external interactions, in all organisational structures and practices, the vision and values of the school will sit at the centre, upholding the expectation that our work consistently aligns with the school’s purpose. Regular evaluation processes will be in place to measure performance in all areas of the school with respect to the implementation of the vision
and values of the David Scott School.

The School’s purpose and philosophy is shared with the school community and all key stakeholders through the distribution of the Student & Family handbook. This information can also be accessed via the school’s website and in hard copy form in the school’s Annual Report and/or Strategic Plan.